In 2014, a YouTuber by the name of Kenny Veach, who went by the handle ‘snakebitmcgee’ seemingly vanished while looking for a mysterious cave in the Mojave Dessert. The first time he discovered this cave, which was shaped like a perfect letter ‘M’, he said his whole body began to vibrate and the feeling only grew stronger as he got closer to the entrance. After commenting about this strange cave on a YouTube video, he received a slew of responses from people who thought he was lying. On November, 10, Kenny would set out to find the cave again, bringing his video camera with him so that he could document the whole thing. Only this time — Kenny would never return.
A Self-Proclaimed “Adventurer”
Kenny Veach was a 47-year-old man from Las Vegas at the time of his disappearance. He was an experienced hiker and self-proclaimed adventurer, however, sometimes his overconfidence in his abilities would get him into trouble. He had admitted to not taking crucial supplies like water or a GPS, pointing to his over 20 years of experience in hiking.
Kenny had a girlfriend, named Sheryon, who would enjoy hiking with him sometimes, but for the most part, he preferred to go solo. He recorded video clips during his hikes and posted them to his YouTube channel, where he had a small following.
Beyond the outdoors, Kenny had an interest in aliens and UFOs, which was no surprise as he lived just a couple of hours away from Area 51. He was described as eccentric — yet charming, and he enjoyed spending much of his time watching YouTube videos about conspiracy theories. One of his favorite channels was called, Sirius Disclosure, which is a group that studies aliens with the hope of learning how to communicate and foster a relationship with them. It was a comment he left on one of their videos that would change the trajectory of his life forever.
The Alleged ‘M’ Cave
On a 16-minute long YouTube video posted by Sirius Disclosure titled, ‘Son of an Area 51 Technician’, Kenny couldn’t help but leave a comment. The video featured a story told by the host recalling some of the things he learned from his father growing up.
Kenny, who went by the username ‘Snakebitmgee’ left a comment that said,
“This ain’t nothing. I am a long-distance hiker. One time during one of my hikes out by Nellis Air Force Base, I found a hidden cave.”
He described the alleged cave as being in the shape of a perfect capital letter “M”. Kenny claimed that as he began to enter the cave, his whole body started to vibrate. The vibrations only got stronger as he moved closer towards the cave entrance. He said he was terrified so he got out of there as quickly as he could, describing it as “one of the strangest things that ever happened to me.”
As is typical with the Internet and social media, people were generally not very kind in responding to Kenny’s comment. He was called a liar by some and others demanded proof of the existence of this so-called ‘M’ cave. Kenny agreed, because as he so boldly stated, he enters every cave he finds, no matter how frightened he is. Because the cave was allegedly located beside a bombing range in the Mojave Dessert, he should have had every reason to be afraid.
Over the next few months, he made his plans to revisit the cave again public. He continued to respond to comments on the YouTube video, letting people know that he was going to prepare better this time. He would bring with him his 9mm gun, just in case there was a mountain lion inside. He would also wait for the weather to cool down before enduring the 10-hour hike so that he didn’t get heat exhaustion.
In an effort to prove the critics wrong, Kenny headed out to try and find the ‘M’ cave for a second time, however, this time he would video-record his adventure. Approximately two months before his disappearance, he uploaded a video to his YouTube channel titled, ‘M Cave Hoke’. Unfortunately, he had not been successful in locating the mysterious cave a second time. In the video, he talks about finding several desert-dwelling creatures like a tortoise and a tarantula but no sign of the cave. Without a video to prove the existence of the ‘M’ cave, people online only became more critical of his claims.
The Final Hike
Kenny was more determined than ever to prove that the ‘M’ cave was real, so on November 14, 2014, he planned a third hike to the area of Sheep Mountain where he believed he’d find it. Sadly, he would never be heard from again. When he didn’t return home, his girlfriend called the police to file a missing persons report and a search party was organized. Investigators would find Kenny’s cell phone near the entrance of an old abandoned mineshaft, but nothing else. They attempted to lower a camera down inside the mineshaft in case he had fallen through, but there was no sign of the hiker.
Still to this day, Kenny’s body has never been found.
The Conspiracy Theorists Becomes A Conspiracy Theory
When news broke of Kenny Veach’s disappearance, the Internet was rampant with conspiracy theories, particularly within the online community that Kenny had been a part of. People began to take a closer look at Kenny’s claims and how the location of the alleged ‘M Cave” was so close to a possible secret military operation.
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