Alisha Parker, 28, all*egedly beat her three-month-old to d*eath and then blamed her 3-year-old daughter, saying she was jealous of her new brother. Police charged Parker with cr*iminal hom*icide and endangering the welfare of a child.
About 1:57 a.m. on January 7, 2024, Duquesne Police (Pennsylvania) responded to a call concerning an unresponsive infant at a home on the 300 block of Hemlock Avenue. First responders found the male infant and immediately began to perform CPR on him enroute to the local hospital.
As paramedics fought to save the infants life, police spoke to his mother, Alisha Parker. She told officers her toddler daughter fatally injured the newborn and requested they “evaluate her.”
“If there’s anything that happened out of the ordinary, my 3-year-old child did it and y’all need to do something about that,” she told officers. “She’s the last person to see him alive and she’s been doing little jealousy, little things -evaluate that girl,” she continued.
She told police if her daughter had hurt the newborn she “had to go.” Alishia said.
“I’m sorry to say, that’s my kid and all, but if she did something to my son, she gotta go.
Parker and the two children lived in the home with her cousin and the cousin’s 18-month-old child. The trio had recently moved into the residence when Parker found herself down on her luck.
Parker’s cousin had left her toddler with Parker to go to work around 5 p.m. that evening. She called to check on her child several times throughout the night. Each call, Parker confirmed all the children were fine. During one of the calls at around 11:20 p.m. the cousin reported hearing the three-month-old crying in the background.
The cousin arrived home around 1:40 a.m. She checked on her child and had a drink with Parker. She noticed something off about Parker, especially after she vomited, and felt as if something was wrong. The cousin decided to check on Parker’s children. She did not find the newborn in his crib, but instead, located him “blue and stiff” stuffed between his older sister and a wall A/C unit.
Alishia told her cousin and law enforcement that seeing her infant on the bed with the older child caused suspicion.
“The infant was smiling before he went to bed, and that’s why I feel like that little fucking girl had something to do with it,”
After speaking to police, Alishia smile and told her cousin, “Guess what, I’m gonna go home and fucking drink more.”
An autopsy on the infant determined his injuries were “inflicted by an adult” and could not possibly have been the act of a child.
With this information, police ar*rested Alishia Parker and charged her with her infant son’s mur*der.
She is currently being held in jail without bond awaiting arraignment.
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