A wealthy man is irritated to find himself sitting next to an overweight woman in first-class and starts complaining to the flight attendant.
James Courtney knew it was going to be a bad flight the moment he saw the woman who was going to be sitting next to him. She was HUGE! How on earth was he going to travel comfortably with her sitting next to him?
The woman sat down and as she buckled her seat belt, her elbow jabbed at James. “Watch it!” James yelled angrily at her, and she turned towards him.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she cried, “Please excuse me…”
Excuse you?” asked James mockingly. “Or excuse the 3,000 doughnuts you ate to get to that size?”
The woman gasped at him in shock, and James saw that she was pretty young, and had a sweet face, a weak face. It encouraged him to sneer, “Lady, when you travel you need to book TWO seats!”
The woman’s eyes filled with tears but James was on a roll, especially when he noticed that her clothes were cheap and old-fashioned and her shoes were very worn.
He said, “I guess your whole budget goes on nachos and hot dogs, right? So you can’t afford two seats? Next time pass the hat, I’m sure all your fellow passengers will be very generous!”
The woman turned her face to the window, and in the reflection, James could see the tears running down her cheeks. “Listen,” he said. “I have a friend who runs a clinic down in Mexico, I’m sure he’d give you a liposuction mucho cheapo!”
Sobs were shaking the young woman’s shoulders by the time James felt repaid for the discomfort he felt from being squeezed in next to her soft bulk. So when the attendant came around with the drinks cart, he asked for a Martini.
Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity.
“Shaken, not stirred!” he told the pretty flight attendant in his best James Bond voice, then added, “I don’t know what Moby Dick here will drink…”
The pretty attendant pressed her lips together tightly and threw him a disapproving glance. then she addressed the woman next to her. “Ma’am, would you like anything to drink?”
The woman nodded and wiped at her eyes. “Yes please, a diet Coke.”
James scoffed. “Don’t you think it’s a bit late in the game for a diet Coke?” Both the flight attendant and the woman ignored him, but James felt a little glow when he realized he’d upset them both.
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