I was only 17 when my grandpa passed away, but the memories of our time together remain etched in my mind. He was an extraordinary man, full of life and passion, especially for vintage cars. He may not have owned a collection like his friends, but he cherished one special vehicle – his beloved Chevy. Every weekend, I would spend time with him, helping him work on the car and making precious memories.

Those weekends with my grandpa were the highlight of my younger years. Even when accidents happened, like knocking over an oil can or scratching the paint, it was all part of the fun. And the best part was the candy-filled ashtray. Grandpa never smoked, but he always encouraged me to satisfy my sweet tooth.
While I bonded with my grandpa, my sisters preferred spending time with our cousins. We were never close, but it didn’t bother me. I cherished every moment with my grandpa, knowing how much he meant to me.
But one fateful day, everything changed. My mom gathered us to deliver the devastating news of my grandpa’s passing. My heart shattered. He wasn’t just my grandpa; he was my best friend. Overwhelmed by emotions, I retreated to my room and felt a sense of isolation. Little did I know that my grandpa had left me something special.
My mom revealed that my grandpa had left me his cherished Chevy, but with a twist. Despite my excitement, my mom decided against it, unable to ignore my lack of a driver’s license. Instead, she planned to sell the car and distribute the money among my sisters, cousins, and me. It broke my heart to see my grandpa’s pride and joy being treated as just another possession.
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