In a disturbing incident, Tatanysha Hedman, a 40-year-old resident of Renton, Washington, allegedly poured gasoline on her sleeping husband, Vincent Philips, who is 52 years old, and ignited it, causing him to catch fire. The Renton police have reported that Tatanysha's husband was drenched in a highly flammable substance while he was asleep in bed beside her.
According to witnesses and investigators, Philips managed to escape the apartment despite being engulfed in flames. In a harrowing spectacle, he raced down the street in his car to a nearby convenience store in Skyway, all the while screaming in agony. " I 'm on fire"
The convenience store's security cameras captured the entire incident live, showing Philips in extreme pain as startled customers hurriedly approached him to extinguish the flames. A store employee immediately dialed 911 for assistance, and Philips was quickly transported to Harborview Medical Center to receive urgent treatment for his severe burns.
Once the police became involved, investigators promptly obtained security camera footage from a nearby gas station. The video evidence revealed Ms. Hedman purchasing gasoline a few hours prior to the incident, where she was seen placing a jerry can of fuel in her pickup truck.
Following her arrest on charges of assault and arson, Tatanysha made the following statement:
I wanted to burn my husband alive. Shooting him would have been nice too, but it would have been too subtle for him. ,
During her detention, Tatanysha bravely shared her side of the story, revealing a deeply disturbing truth. She told that she saw her husband raping her young child. The horrific discovery of her husband raping their child compelled Tatanysha to take extreme action.
Investigations and proceedings regarding the incident are ongoing. Tatanysha remains incarcerated while Philips is hospitalized in intensive care. Additionally, Philips now faces a charge of first-degree child molestation.
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