Thursday, February 8, 2024

Woman K-Illed By Same Man Who K-Illed Mother 20-Years Earlier

Woman K-Illed By Same Man Who K-Illed Mother 20-Years Earlier

In 1996, Travis Lewis m*urdered her mother and cousin. She forgave him, forming a close bond during his incarceration. After his 2018 parole, she gave him a job and place to stay. Then, in 2020, he mur*dered her, too.

Police responding to reports of a fire at the Snowden House, the home of a prominent Horseshoe Lake, Arkansas family, found the partially bur*ned bodies of Sally Snowden McKay and her cousin, prominent Memphis blues guitarist Lee Baker, inside the home. Both people had been shot to d*eath. Police later learned that someone also broke into Lee’s home on that tr*agic day, June 10, 1996.


Police began investigating the robbery as well as the mu*rders and fire at the Snowden home. Their investigation led them to the home of 16-year-old Travis Lewis, who lived on one of the properties on the estate. Travis and Lee’s two sons were good friends. He denied knowing anything about the mur*ders and even passed a polygraph test.

When police discovered Lewis had been suspended from school on the day of the mu*rders, they summoned him for a second polygraph test, which he failed. After some questioning, Lewis admitted to the burglary at Lee’s house, but claimed a friend with him at the time ki*lled Sally and Lee.

Sally’s car was discovered crashed down the road from her house by police. Lewis’ DNA was discovered on a hair found inside the car. His fingerprints were also recovered from the driver’s side door. Travis was charged with two counts of mu*rder as well as a slew of other felonies.

Sally and Lee, two police suspects, walked in on Travis while he was committing a robbery at her house. He shot them and then set fire to the house to hide the evidence. Unfortunately for Lewis, alert neighbours saw flames coming from the house and called 9-1-1 almost immediately.

Lewis was charged as an adult which made him eligible for the death penalty. To avoid execution, Lewis accepted a plea deal from prosecutors sentencing him to 28 ½ years behind bars with parole eligibility after serving 70% of his sentence.

Following his release, Lewis moved to the Snowden Home with Martha McKay, the daughter of the woman he mur*dered in 1996.

McKay, who was described as a generous person with a big heart, forgiven Lewis for k*illing her mother and cousin. During his 20-year incarceration, she paid him several visits. When Lewis was granted parole, McKay offered to assist him in getting back on his feet.


McKay purchased the Snowden home her mother owned and restored the property. She turned the place into a lavish bed and breakfast. She offered Lewis a room in the B&B as well as a job keeping up the grounds. He gladly accepted the offer.

It was short-lived happiness for Lewis and McKay, who always believed in the power of forgiveness.

McKay sold a chandelier for $10,000 and casually stashed the cash in her home. The money come up missing and Lewis was the only person in the home at the time. She immediately fired him from his job and kicked him out of the B&B.


Lewis broke into the home and s*tabbed and blu*dgeoned Martha to d*eath. She notified police by pressing an electronic alert connected to the alarm in her home. Police responding to the alarm found her b*ody at the top of the staircase in the Snowden home.

Lewis fled the home and jumped into the nearby Horseshoe Lake. He dr*owned before police could initiate a rescue. Officers did not know at the time that the man in the lake was Travis Lewis, the same man who k*illed Martha McKay’s mother all those years earlier.

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