On July 26, 2009, 911 operators received a frantic call from the aunt of 3 ½ week old Scott Wesley Sanchez requesting help for the newborn. In the background, Otty Sanchez can be heard frantically scr*eaming, “I didn’t mean to do it. He told me to do it!” Minutes before, Otty sta*bbed and disme*mbered her 3 ½ week old son, Scott Wesley, after voices in her head told her to k*ill the infant.
Otty, 33 years old when she attacked and ki*lled her newborn, had long suffered from mental illness. She spent the prior years in and out of mental institutions. In 2006, Otty had walked out of one of the institutions and traveled from San Antonio to Austin where she met and mingled with several men and began using hard drugs. After using hard drugs for the first time, Otty began to hear voices.
Her family understood Otty’s mental illness and helped her get treatment. Otty took medication which stopped her from hearing voices.
Otty Diagnosed With Postpartum Depression
After delivering baby Scott, Otty ended her relationship with his father. Suffering from postpartum depression, Otty was hospitalized after his delivery. Doctors released her from the psychiatric facility on July 19, 2009.
After her release from the hospital, she began to think the devil had possessed baby Scott She was terrified to touch him, to as much as look in his direction.
On July 25, 2009, Otty visited Scott Bucholz, the baby’s father, revealing to him that she suffered from schizophrenia. Scott also suffered from schizophrenia. Otty likely felt he could relate to her feelings.
Scott asked Otty for copies of Scott’s birth certificate and hospital paperwork. This request upset Otty, causing her to storm out of the house with the baby. Otty stayed with her sister, Priscilla Garcia, that night.
The night was anything but calm.
A Night Of Horror
Otty had stopped taking her psychiatric medications after she fell pregnant. Initially, she refused her medication due to the costs. She could not afford to pay for the medicine. Without the medication, Otty heard voices, hallucinated, and thought someone was out to k*ill her. She even thought someone was trying to take her baby from her.
“She’s gone crazy last night. She was hearing voices. She kept bringing me the baby. And finally, she calmed down, and I took her back the baby. And now I just woke up to hear screaming,” Garcia told the 911 operator.
At 5 a.m. Garcia again heard a commission coming from the room where Otty and the baby had slept. She rushed to the room and saw a gruesome, bloody scene. Otty had stabbed baby Svott with a samurai sword and butcher knife.
Otty then used a steak knife to decapitate her newborn baby. She then chewed off three of his toes and ate bits of his tiny brain. Otty bit off the newborn’s nose and attempted to consume it.
Postpartum depression can lead to psychosis, especially in women previously diagnosed with mental illness. That night, Otty fell into psychosis. The “he” she claimed made her ki*ll baby Scott was Satan, of course.
Otty repeated how she loved her baby.
Distraught over what she had done, Otty punctured herself in the chest and stomach with the butcher knife as Garcia pleaded with her to stop. Priscilla cried into the phone, begging the 911 operator to send help quickly.
On the 911 call, Priscilla told Otty “I told you to come to me.” Otty replied, “I tried, but you said that you had died.” Garcia replied, “I’m alive. I’m right here!!
Otty Charged With Capital Mu*Rder
Authorities found the baby’s skinned and mutilated body when they opened the bedroom door. Blood covered the room. Police arrested Otty on a capital m*urder charge.
Otty told police the voices told her that her mother had k*illed JFK, enraging the KKK.
She went on to describe what the voices said to her before she consumed her newborn’s body parts:
“The voices told [me] to eat his insides, I was a harlot because I had committed adultery… there was a demon in my stomach. This had to be done by 5 in the morning. Scotty would evolve and he would no longer be possessed.
She told officers that ki*lling her baby was the only way to stop an apocalypse. She said that eating her baby made her “want to gag and throw up,” but she could not because the voices commanded her to continue.
She was transported to a psychiatric hospital and placed on a 24-hour watch.
Otty Sanchez Found Not G*Uilty By Reason Of Insanity
Doctors determined Otty Sanchez suffered from delusions, schizophrenia, and severe psychosis. At her trial, Dr. Puryear testified, “It is my medical opinion that Ms. Otty Sanchez was incapable of telling the difference between reality and her delusions.
Otty was found not gui*lty by reason of insanity or mental defect. She was sent to the North Texas State Hospital- Vernon Institute where she will remain indefinitely. The facility is a maximum security mental institution.
A judge reviews Otty’s mental competency each year, although does not expect her to ever be released.
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