Monday, February 19, 2024

Missing Tina and Bethany Sinclair

Missing Tina and Bethany Sinclair

 In the midst of February 4, 2001, in Chesterfield, New Hampshire, the absence of 34-year-old Tina Sinclair and her 15-year-old daughter Bethany was noted.


At the time of their vanishing, Tina and her daughter Bethany were residing with Tina’s paramour, Eugene Van Bowman Jr, at 182 Mountain Road in West Chesterfield, New Hampshire. Their relocation to New England from Florida ensued following Tina’s separation from Bethany’s father in the early 2000s.

Tina, a domiciliary caretaker, had recently completed her cosmetology education and was on the brink of embarking on a career as a hairdresser. Her last professional endeavor was on February 2, 2001, coinciding with Bethany's final attendance at Keene High School.

Fondly remembered by acquaintances, Tina was characterized as vivacious, while Bethany was depicted as a conventional adolescent, excelling academically, enjoying an active social circle, and displaying a penchant for music.

Police records indicate recurrent visits to Bowman’s domicile due to domestic disturbances, although neither Tina nor Bowman were ever detained. It is documented that Bowman had accused Tina of domestic violence in July 2000, yet the allegations were subsequently retracted.

Concerns arose from Tina’s sister regarding Bethany’s safety in light of Bowman’s prior conviction as a sex offender in the 1990s. Expressing her apprehensions, Tina's sister advocated for Bethany's relocation to Connecticut. A rift ensued between the sisters in October 2000, resulting in a cessation of communication.


The last sighting of Tina Sinclair and her daughter Bethany transpired over the weekend of February 3, 2001, in West Chesterfield, New Hampshire. Concurrently, they were residing with Tina’s partner, Eugene Van Bowman Jr. Tina's final professional engagement occurred on February 2, 2001.

Bethany, aged 15, embarked on a rendezvous on February 3, 2001. At approximately 11:30 PM, she conversed with her beau via telephone until midnight, making arrangements for Valentine’s Day. This dialogue marks the ultimate communication received from Bethany.

Subsequent to this interaction, neither Tina nor Bethany have been sighted or heard from.

On February 5, 2001, an unidentified woman contacted Keene High School to relay Bethany’s nonattendance. The identity of the caller remains undisclosed, with relatives refraining from divulging the information, deeming it pertinent to the investigation.

February 10, 2001, heralded the official report of Tina and Bethany’s disappearance, precipitated by Bethany’s protracted absence from school.

According to Bowman, a discord with Tina on February 4 prompted his departure from the residence. Upon his return later that day, he discovered Tina and Bethany's departure, presuming they had arranged transportation due to the flat tire on Tina's vehicle.

Bowman's failure to report their absence stemmed from his belief that they would return imminently. Tina's personal effects, inclusive of her white Dodge Neon and her 15-year-old feline companion, were left behind at their abode.

Accounts indicate Bowman’s last sighting on the Connecticut River, adjacent to his residence, aboard his Scat hovercraft at approximately 4:30 AM on February 4, 2001. Despite exhaustive searches of Bowman’s residence and the Connecticut River, outcomes remain undisclosed.

Bowman's non-cooperation with law enforcement designates him as a person of interest in their disappearance.

In 2006, Tina’s sister enlisted the services of private investigator Gil Alba from New York City to aid in the investigation.

In 2014, dive teams employing side-scan and sector sonar techniques combed the Vernon Dam in Vernon, Vermont, in search of clues pertaining to their whereabouts. The results of this endeavor remain undisclosed.

No activity has been recorded on Tina’s financial accounts or cellular device since their disappearance. Moreover, Tina failed to retrieve her final paycheck. Despite her familial bonds, neither Tina nor Bethany have maintained contact with loved ones.

In 2021, Tina's mother passed away, oblivious to the fate of her daughter and granddaughter.

The current location of Tina and Bethany Sinclair, along with the circumstances enveloping their disappearance, remain shrouded in mystery. Authorities surmise that their demise ensued under dubious circumstances, albeit no arrests have been executed in connection with their case.

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