Monday, January 22, 2024

The Unsolved M-Urder Of Teenager Beverly Jarosz

The Unsolved M-Urder Of Teenager Beverly Jarosz

Modern technological advances in genetic testing have contributed to the apprehension of many ki*llers from the 60s and 70s. I always enjoy reading about it when law enforcement identifies these monsters, convicts them and then sends them to prison. One case I am still confident of being solved is the mur*der of a Cleveland, Ohio teenager named Beverly Jarosz.

December 28, 1964 was just another day for Beverly Jarosz, 16, and her younger sister Carol, 12. The girls were home from school, enjoying their Christmas break. Beverly, a junior, attended Marymount High School—an all-girls Catholic school. After their parents (Thaddeus and Eleanor) left for work, the girls walked to their grandmother’s home. Around 1 p.m., Beverly told her grandmother she needed to return home and meet with two friends. An 18-year-old neighbor of Beverly’s grandmother gave Beverly a ride home.

After Beverly arrived home, she called her mother to let her know she made it home. Beverly also received a call from a man asking about her father. The caller identified himself as Stephen Stankowitz and said he would call back. Police later learned Stephen Stankowitz was a fictitious name. Beverly’s grandmother also called to make sure Beverly made it home safely. They had a brief conversation as Beverly told her grandmother she expected a visit from her friend Barbara.

Barbara arrived at 1:25 p.m. She knocked on the door and then heard a thump coming from upstairs. It sounded as if someone was moving furniture. After no one responded, Barbara returned home. She spoke to her friend Margie and told her Beverly never answered the door. The three girls originally planned on spending the day together. Margie called Beverly’s grandmother and told her Beverly didn’t answer the door to Barbara.

The grandmother called Thaddeus Jarosz and shared her concern. After leaving home in the late afternoon, he arrived home to loud music playing. He went upstairs to check on his daughter. He found Beverly laying face down and tied up with a clothesline. Someone had mur*dered his beloved daughter.

The coroner ruled strangulation as the cause of de*ath. Her k*iller also stabbed her over 40 times. However, the k*iller didn’t sexually assault her. The coroner said Beverly fought her attacker fiercely before she died.


During the investigation, authorities learned Beverly had an unknown stalker. She had received many hang up calls and received a bracelet and a ring from an unknown person. Authorities also learned about the caller who gave Beverly a false name (Stephen Stankowitz). Could this have been the ki*ller? Did he call to make sure Beverly’s father wasn’t home so he could break into Beverly’s home?

Authorities learned Beverly often visited the Cleveland Museum of Art. A guard recalled seeing an unknown man following Beverly throughout the museum. The guard said he looked angry and described him as tall and thin. The Garfield Heights Police have never captured the ki*ller. Nearly six decades have passed since Beverly’s homicide occurred at 10921 Thornton Avenue in Garfield Heights, Ohio. Over the years, authorities have interviewed many people about the case. Today, the case remains cold and will remain unsolved without any major breaks.

Most likely, if the kil*ler is still alive, he would be in his 80s. It’s possible the k*iller and her stalker were the same person. Her parents waited many years for justice. Thaddeus died in 2012 while Eleanor died in 2018. Beverly and her parents are interred at Calvary Cemetery in Cleveland. Beverly’s parents never learned who mu*rdered their daughter. If you know anything about the Beverly Jarosz homicide, please contact the Garfield Heights Police at (216) 475-5686.

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