Friday, January 19, 2024

Brittany Killgore Raped, Tortured and Murdered by Friend

Brittany Killgore Raped, Tortured and Murdered by Friend

Brittany Killgore, a 22-year-old denizen of Fallbrook, California, bore the marital bond with US Marine Lance Corporal Cory Killgore. Cory was deployed in Afghanistan during that epoch. A mere trio of days antecedent to her lamentable demise in April 2012, Brittany had commenced divorce proceedings. Her intention was to retreat to her parental abode in Missouri, having meticulously packed her belongings. It was during this juncture that she received an offer of succor from an associate, a personage she deemed a “companion.”

On April 13th, 2012, a 46-year-old Louis Perez made an unforeseen ingress into her domicile. He proffered an invitation to an impromptu dinner cruise. Brittany, acquainted with Louis and trusting in his amity, acquiesced willingly. Little did she fathom that this would inaugurate her ensnarement within a sadistic phantasm.

Louis harbored animosity towards Brittany due to her refusal to partake in a depraved sexual bondage diversion. Collaborating with his cohabitants, Dorothy Maraglino and Jessica Lynn Lopez, he orchestrated the sinister game. Unbeknownst to Brittany, she stood on the precipice of being coercively subjugated into a perverse enactment.

Dorothy Maraglino and Jessica Lynn Lopez, cohabitants of Perez, emerged as accessories to the homicide. Under the guise of “aiding her with packing,” Perez enticed Brittany into his conveyance. Oblivious to the clandestine life he concealed, she entered without harboring suspicions. Subsequently, against her volition, he conveyed her to his abode, where she was fettered, and duct tape was affixed over her mouth to stifle her anguished exclamations. What unfolded was a nightmarish and savage ordeal.

It metamorphosed into a “sadomasochistic torture session,” wherein the group subjected her to a violent sexual assault. Implements of sadomasochistic nature, including whips and a stun gun, were employed. Law enforcement later unearthed these items at the communal residence of the trio. Traces of Brittany’s blood and hair were also discovered on assorted sadomasochistic paraphernalia within Perez’s dwelling. Additionally, a handbook titled “Sex Rules” was retrieved, shedding light on some of their sadistic practices and the expectations imposed upon their victims.

In the course of the torture session, Brittany suffered mutilation at the hands of the group. Post the ordeal, Jessica Lopez took her own life by strangulation. This was purportedly driven by the fear that Brittany’s influence might disrupt the dynamics of the sexual consortium involving herself, Perez, and Maraglino. In a seven-page missive, Lopez elucidated that Brittany endeavored to sow discord between her, Perez, and Maraglino. Brittany’s remains were dismembered, and the trio callously disposed of them in a ditch in San Diego, CA.

Contrary to baseless rumors propagated in April publications, Brittany did not willingly engage in the sexual game, remaining oblivious to the dire consequences that awaited. She vehemently rejected involvement in sadomasochistic activities. Upon being apprised of his wife’s disappearance, Lance Killgore, stationed in Afghanistan, expeditiously returned home. Whether he was cognizant of Brittany’s recent divorce filing at that juncture remains uncertain.

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