58-year old Diane Tilly was a remarkable woman. She was a teacher and co-founder of Robbins Academy, an alternative high school for troubled youths in San Antonio, Texas. The students at Robbins Academy were teenagers who had been ki*cked out of other institutions for behavioral problems. Everyone had given up on them. But not Diane.
Dubbed “the miracle worker,” Diane found a way to connect with these teenagers. She had two biological children of her own, yet she considered her many students her extended family. In turn, the students and staff at Robbins Academy adored her, and many students kept in touch with Diane long after they graduated.
In November 2004, Diane was living her best life. Her students were thriving, she was expecting her second grandchild, and she was in a loving relationship with her boyfriend, whom she was planning to see over the Thanksgiving holiday.
Tragically, her life would end in terrible ways on November 22, 2004, at the hands of a sick father and daughter.
A sinister plot
Ronnie Joe Neal had Diane on his mind as his next victim from the moment he met her. Ronnie was an ex-felon with multiple robbery convictions. He’d recently been released from jail and was using his lawn care business to scout possible robberies.
Diane hired Ronnie to work on her garden, oblivious to his illegal motives. Ronnie began to tell Diane about his troublesome 15-year-old daughter, Pearl, and soon brought her around to see Diane. Diane, ever the giving and kind spirit, gave Ronnie a swing set and went out of her way to make Pearl feel special.
Diane had no idea that Ronnie was mostly responsible for Pearl’s chaotic childhood and anti-social behavior. Pearl had been s*exually as*saulted by Ronnie since she was 13 years old. Pearl said that other members of her family were aware of the abuse but did nothing to stop it.
Before long, Ronnie was prostituting his teenage daughter to strangers, often supplying her with alcohol and cocaine beforehand. Pearl would later testify, “He would have me have s*ex with two older men. It was a regular thing. Every Friday.”
Pearl never had a chance at a normal childhood. Yet despite Ronnie’s horrible abuse, Pearl felt a sick, twisted sense of loyalty to him. Whether it was fear or a desperate attempt to win her father’s affection, she allowed herself to be a willing participant in Ronnie’s sinister plan.
The night of the m*urder
Diane opened her door on the evening of November 22, 2004, to discover Pearl waiting there. The young lady made up a story about a broken-down car and requested Diane to use her phone. Pearl grabbed a revolver on Diane and allowed Ronnie in through a side door once inside.
Ronnie and Pearl plundered the house in record time. Ronnie snatched Diane’s ATM card and demanded the pin number, dissatisfied with what they discovered. When he realized Diane had duped him by giving him the wrong number, he exploded and threatened to mu*rder her cat if she didn’t cooperate. Diane immediately agreed, praying that her horror would end soon.
Instead, Ronnie took Diane into the bedroom and violently ra*ped her in front of his daughter. He and Pearl then forced Diane into her car and drove to a deserted field, where Ronnie shoved Diane to the ground and shot her. While begging for her life, Ronnie emptied four more bullets into her body. Diane’s last words were, “Bless this child.”
The contrast between pure goodness and pure ev*il could not be more pronounced. Diane’s final moments of life were spent praying for the soul of her attacker. In response, Ronnie shot Diane one last time and then called Pearl’s mother to brag that he had come into some money and that they should all go on a shopping spree.
Ronnie and Pearl are arrested
Ronnie and Pearl were apprehended quickly by the police. Police followed CCTV footage of Pearl and Ronnie using Diane’s ATM card to Ronnie and Pearl’s motel room, where they discovered numerous of Diane’s things. Ronnie’s fingerprints were also found to match a partial print on a liquor bottle in Diane’s kitchen.
Despite the overwhelming evidence, Ronnie and Pearl initially refused to cooperate with the authorities, claiming that they knew nothing about Diane’s disappearance.
Pearl confessed to her role of the crime after ten days in jail. She not only led authorities to Diane’s body, but she also detailed the horrible events of that night.
Ronnie was found guilty of capital mu*rder and condemned to die by lethal injection in April 2006. He was sentenced to death for several years before committed suicide in 2011 by overdosing on prescription antidepressants.
Pearl was discovered to be pregnant at the time of Diane’s mur*der. DNA testing revealed that Ronnie was the father. Pearl was spared the death penalty in exchange for her testimony against Ronnie and instead sentenced to 30 years in jail. She was freed from a Texas adolescent facility after serving only five years.
I’ve long since stopped wondering why life seems so unfair and how good people can have such bad luck. In this case, though, it seems especially cruel because Pearl was the kind of child Diane worked her whole life to help. I wonder how Pearl’s life would have been different if she had been in Diane’s warm light instead of her dad’s dark shade.
Diane helped more people in her short time on Earth than most people do in their whole lives. Some people say that someone doesn’t really die until they are forgotten. Diane’s children, grandkids, and the hundreds of students she believed in and encouraged will carry on her great work.
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