Fajr Atiya, a six-year-old girl from Franklin Township, New Jersey, tragically lost her life on July 17, 2023, after being choked by a harness securing her seat on a school bus. Fajr, diagnosed with Emanuel syndrome, a rare chromosome disorder affecting physical and mental development, attended an extended program at Claremont Elementary School at the time of the incident.
The cause of her death was revealed in a criminal complaint: Fajr was strapped into a wheelchair seat with a four-point harness by the bus monitor, Amanda Davila. During the bus ride, bumps tightened the harness around Fajr's neck, leading to a blocked airway. The surveillance footage depicted her struggling for nearly three minutes, with no intervention.
Davila, a 27-year-old bus monitor and a mother herself, faced charges of second-degree manslaughter and endangering the welfare of a child for neglecting Fajr during transport. The investigation found that she violated company policies by using her phone and wearing earbuds while on duty, failing to check on Fajr or adjust her harness. Davila, granted a $100,000 bail, could face up to 10 years in prison if convicted.
Fajr's family, coping with her multiple health issues, including heart defects and hearing loss, established a GoFundMe to cover funeral expenses and medical bills. They demanded justice, holding the school board and bus company accountable for negligence. The tragedy prompted widespread grief and outrage, with many expressing condolences, supporting the family's GoFundMe, and advocating for stricter regulations in special-needs transportation.
A vigil on July 24, 2023, at Claremont Elementary School drew hundreds of attendees, including family, classmates, and local officials. The community lit candles, released balloons, sang songs, and demanded justice for Fajr. The incident highlights the need for increased oversight in school transportation services and special-needs education to prevent such heartbreaking incidents in the future.
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